'The troubles of Rod Madison began on the night his father decided to hold a seance. There were only four present—Rod and his fiancee Peg, and his mother and father. After a lot of concentration, Rod dismissed the whole thing as a lot of rot, and remarked loudly that he could not see the use of calling the spirit of Abraham Lincoln. Personally, he preferred to call up a gorgeous blonde spirit. Little did he realise the trouble those words would cost him, for into his life came Marlene, the dizziest sprite ever. She drifted in and out of his life for the next day or so at awkward times, which made everyone think Rod had gone crazy. The effect all this had on his fiancee Peg was anything but good, especially when she saw him out driving with a glorious blonde, who waved to her gaily as they passed. Marlene may have been dizzy, but she was also sensitive. She said that she preferred to be called a fairy, for to be called a spirit offended her.'
Source: 'For Next Week', ABC Weekly, 7 April 1951, p.13.
Broadcast on 2UE on 10 April 1951, from 8:30pm.
Cast: Rosamund Waring, John Hansberry, Rodney Taylor, Madi Hedd, Jack Raine, and Haydee Seldon.