'JOHNNY CARROLL was convinced that some people are born to lose; of course, they do get breaks, occasionally, but mostly bad ones. He thought he was such a fellow, and he had no cause to think otherwise. At twenty-four, he could look back on a life that consisted of sixteen years in an orphanage, five as a labourer, and three years in the State "pen." The latter was for assaulting a person who took his money and then tried to take his girl. That was Johnny when he ran into an old pal, Steve Yager, who looked as though he were prosperous. Steve offered Johnny a partnership in his business, which was housebreaking. Steve was married, so the team was a triangular one, an arrangement that didn’t take long to boil up into & white-hot trouble spot. Johnny refused to be enticed into double-crossing his pal Steve by the lovely Mrs. Yager. Where did it get him? As Johnny says, "Some guys are born to lose."'
Source: 'For Next Week', ABC Weekly, 31 March 1951, p.13.
Broadcast on 2UE on 3 April 1951, from 8:30pm.
Cast: Alan White, Leonard Bullen, Margot Lee, Ossie Wenban, and John Hansberry (narrator).