'SPEEDWAY racing stars Roark Adams and Breeze Cordovan are close friends and young devil-may care Australians. They decide to try their luck in England. And Lady Luck attends them in their venture, notably Roark, who carries every thing before him, including the world’s speedway championship. Luck deserts him when he meets and falls in love with Beth Vernon, a speedway fan, who loves only the man who is always winning. Breeze, less successful than Roark, is also in love with Beth, and the friendship of the two champions is put to the test, especially when Roark continues to be dogged by a run of losing events. The two men ride against each other in another championship, and the tenseness of this event reveals the different plans of the two friends.'
Source: 'For Next Week', ABC Weekly, 24 February 1951, p.13.
Broadcast on 2UE on 27 February 1951, from 8:30pm.
Cast: Deryck Barnes.