Bush Birds sequence   poetry  
  • Author:agent Den http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/dennis-c-j-clarence-james
First known date: 1932-1933 Issue Details: First known date: 1932... 1932 Bush Birds
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A set of 47 poems by C. J. Dennis (under the pseudonym "Den"), originally published in The Herald, and later in the author's collection The Singing Garden.


The Silver-Eye i "Down among the strawberries,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 11 February no. 17394 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 123-124) Selected Works of C. J. Dennis 1988; (p. 227)
Bush Birds 1. The Magpie i ""Calloo, callay!" On a windy day,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 July no. 17222 1932; (p. 6) The News , 27 July vol. 19 no. 2815 1932; (p. 4) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 177-178)
Bush Birds 2. The Kookaburra i "I am cursed with a cackle whenever I tackle", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 29 July no. 17225 1932; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 77-78)
Bush Birds No. 3 - The Spinebill Honeyeater i "I come in blossom time,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 8 August no. 17233 1932; (p. 8) The News , 9 August vol. 19 no. 2826 1932; (p. 4) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 37-38)
Bush Birds 4. - The Blue Wren i "When the Mighty Craftsman drew", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 15 August no. 17239 1932; (p. 8) The News , 20 August vol. 19 no. 2836 1932; (p. 4) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 161-162)
Bush Birds No. 5 - The Flame-Breasted Robin i "Now upon the trellis sitting,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 20 August no. 17244 1932; (p. 8) The News , 22 August vol. 19 no. 2837 1932; (p. 4) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 39-40)
Bush Birds - 6. The Pallid Cuckoo i "Dolefully and drearily", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 August no. 17249 1932; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 43-44)
Bush Birds 6. - The Welcome Swallow i "They know me not to praise and love aright,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 3 September no. 17256 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 31-32)
Bush Birds No. 8 - The Grey Thrush i "Singing all the summer long", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 10 September no. 17262 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 71-72)
Bush Birds No. 9 - The Wedge-Tailed Eagle i "Scarce am I of the earth;", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 17 September no. 17268 1932; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 27-28)
Bush Birds No. 10 - The Yellow Robin i "I'm the friendliest of them all,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 September no. 17275 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 173-174)
Bush Birds No. 11 - The Currawong (Pied Bell-Magpie) i "I am the cunning one. My shrewd white eye,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 3 October no. 17281 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 163-164)
Bush Birds No. 12 - The Ground Thrush i "I'm a business man; and I can't spare time", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 10 October no. 17287 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 133-134)
Bush Birds No. 13 - The King Parrot i "When the wattle curls are browning,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 18 October no. 17294 1932; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 49-50)
Bush Birds No. 14 - The English Thrush i "Sweet singer of an older land,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 October no. 17301 1932; (p. 10)
Bush Birds No. 15 - The Butcher Bird i "I might charm you with my song,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 31 October no. 17305 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 129-130)
Bush Birds No. 16 - The Satin Bower Bird i "Spare a bloom of blue, lady,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 7 November no. 17311 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 167-168)
Bush Birds No. 17 The Black & White Fantail i ""Sweet, pretty little creature,"", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 12 November no. 17316 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 99-100)
Bush Birds No. 18 - The Rufous Fantail i "Where the mountain waters glide,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 19 November no. 17322 1932; (p. 8)
Bush Birds No. 19 - The Coachwhip Bird i "Early on a summer's morning", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 28 November no. 17329 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 29-30)
Bush Birds No. 20 - The Crow (Australian Raven) i "A low-living fellow, I haven't a friend;", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 5 December no. 17335 1932; (p. 10) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 171-172)
Bush Birds No. 21 - The Bronzewing Pigeon i "They say I am a shy, wild thing,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 12 December no. 17341 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 169-170)
Bush Birds No. 22 - The Tawny Frogmouth i "I fly by night, a furtive ghoul,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 19 December no. 17347 1932; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 51-52)
Bush Birds No. 23 - The Gang Gang i "When the wattle curls are drooping,", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 December no. 17353 1932; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 91-92)
Bush Birds No. 24 - The Singing Honeyeater i "When the glowing days grow long", Den , 1932 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 31 December no. 17358 1932; (p. 6)
The Magpie Lark i "By lagoons and reedy places,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 1 March no. 17409 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 121-122)
Bush Birds No. 34 - The Grey Goshawk i "There is a flutter In the trees;", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 11 March no. 17418 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 81-82)
Bush Birds No. 35 - The Golden Whistler i "Golden bird whose golden voice,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 18 March no. 17424 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 87-88)
Bush Birds No. 36 - Starlings i "There's something in Australian air,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 28 March no. 17432 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 137-138)
Bush Birds No. 37 - Firetail Finches i "Like little children out from school", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 4 April no. 17438 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 41-42)
Bush Birds No. 38 - The Black Cockatoo i "In labored flight above the gums,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 18 April no. 17449 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 165-166)
Bush Birds No. 39 - The Sparrow i "I'm a chirpy little chappie,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 April no. 17456 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 135-136)
Bush Birds No.40 - The Crimson Parrot i "In the quiet noonday heat", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 8 May no. 17466 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 125-126)
Bush Birds No. 41 - The Pink Breasted Robin i "A fairy out of fairyland, I flit", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 15 May no. 17472 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 175-176)
Bush Birds No. 42 - The Wattle Bird i "Where the blossom glows, I follow,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 23 May no. 17479 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 33-34)
Bush Birds No. 43 - The Bronze Cuckoo i "I come at caterpillar time", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 30 May no. 17485 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 47-48)
Bush Birds No. 48 - The Lyre-tailed Menura The Lyretail i "Far in the forest depths I dwell,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 4 July no. 17515 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 97-98)
Bush Birds No.49 - The Dusky Wood-Swallow i "Surely must you know me,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 10 July no. 17520 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 101-102)
Bush Birds No. 50 - The White Cockatoo i "They count me but a common bird,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 18 July no. 17527 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 127-128)
Bush Birds No. 25 - The Indian Myna The Indian Minah i "Gimme the town an' its clamour an' clutter;", Den , 1933 single work poetry humour
— Appears in: The Herald , 7 January no. 17364 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 139-140) Australian Pavements : An Urban Anthology 1964; (p. 17) Selected Works of C. J. Dennis 1988; (p. 224)
The Scrub Wren i "Even among the tits and wrens,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 16 January no. 17371 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 75-76)
The Blue Kingfisher i "Where the little river gleaming", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 21 January no. 17376 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 131-132)
The Goldfinch The English Goldfinch i "When dandelions star the fields", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 27 January no. 17381 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 79-80)
The Grey Fantail i "The bushmen call me 'Cranky Fan,'", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 4 February no. 17388 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 83-84)
The Tree-Creeper i "My family holds many kinds:", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 18 February no. 17400 1933; (p. 8) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 89-90)
Bush Birds No. 44 - The Boobook Owl i "Not for any airs and graces", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 6 June no. 17491 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 95-96)
Bush Birds No. 45 - The Eastern Shrike-Tit i "I am brightly alert and exceedingly pert,", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 13 June no. 17497 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 35-36)
Bush Birds, No.46 - "The Wonga Pigeon" i "Men knew and love my calling in old days -", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 20 June no. 17503 1933; (p. 6) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 143-144)
Bush Birds, No. 47 - "The Yellow-Tailed Thornbill" i "I'm a fussy little fellow", Den , 1933 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Herald , 26 June no. 17508 1933; (p. 4) The Singing Garden 1935; (p. 141-142)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1932
Serialised by: The Herald 1879 newspaper (1881 issues)
Last amended 30 Jul 2020 12:33:56
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