y separately published work icon Overland [Online] periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... February 2020 of Overland [Online] est. 2011 Overland [Online]
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* Contents derived from the , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Government: Defunds the Arts. The Arts: Fund Government Services., Maeve Marsden , single work column

'As the colony limps toward the end of a long, hot, depressing summer, it’s tempting to look for the silver lining in the cumulonimbus. Though the smoke still has a stranglehold in the cities, and on the fireground trees are smouldering with red-hot embers, there’s been no rest for the volunteers risking life and limb to save lives and property, and wildlife and country have been decimated; however, the pendulum swung to mythmaking rather than revolution. Countless words have been printed critiquing the government’s inaction on climate change, but an even louder narrative has emerged celebrating the widespread, record-breaking response by ordinary Australians: land of the fair go, neighbours helping neighbours, the great volunteer army. In the absence of meaningful government action, altruistic individuals stepped up.' (Introduction)

Vietnam Is No Longer a War – It’s Entertainment, Hoa Pham , single work review
— Review of Rolling Thunder Vietnam Bryce Hallett , 2014 single work musical theatre ;

'The latest musical due to hit the Arts Centre in Melbourne Australia during March 2020, is Rolling Thunder Vietnam. ‘Rolling Thunder’ was the code name used by the Americans for their campaign to carpet bomb North Vietnam during the Vietnam/American War. An equivalent would be naming a song and dance show Operation Desert Storm – the Musical. This would be unthinkable. But clearly Vietnam is no longer a war. It’s entertainment.'  (Introduction)