'When Jake steps in a puddle, he finds himself transported to a magical new world called Subterranea. Join him on his subterranean adventure as he attends a bizarre party tea with a strange creature known as Sham, and explores this new world that should only exist in his wildest dreams.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'When Jake falls through a puddle, he finds himself back in the strange, mystical land of Subterranea once again. This time he is met by a flowery creature called Lady Amaranth, and Sham is nowhere in sight.
'Jake is immediately whisked off to a castle by his new flower friend. Once there, he soon finds out that Sham has been kidnapped by the villainous King Shade and his army!
'Along with Lady Amaranth and some strange creatures known as tweetles, Jake embarks on a journey to rescue Sham. Only by succeeding will he be able to save Floria and return home!'
Source: Publisher's blurb.