'In a magical kingdom afflicted by a terrible curse, a vain prince and a stir-crazy princess try to get their quest on while keeping a safe distance.
'TALES FOR UNCERTAIN TIMES is a 5-part comic-adventure fairy-tale series broadcast on Facebook Live. Previous episodes will remain online following the broadcast.
'Prince Charming has just picked up the glass slipper of his Cinderella. Well, her phone. It just ran out of battery. Normally he would leap onto his mighty steed and ride out to rescue her from her after-ball hangover, but unfortunately all non-essential quests beyond the castle have been cancelled due to a terrible Curse upon the Kingdom. It's tough to be a Prince who can't go on a quest.
'Meanwhile, Princess Snow is locked up too - with her whole extended family who are apparently incapable of doing anything for themselves. She really needs to keep working to stay sane, so it's lucky that there's a mystery to solve.'
Source: Production blurb.