'Monkey Grip, Australian writer Helen Garner’s debut work,marks a significant turning point in the history of Australian women’s writing.By placing this novel in its historical context,this essay aims to point out the affinity between female writing,counterculture movement and second-wave feminist movement.In Garner’s writing,through assimilating positive elements of the New Left and the feminist movement, avant-garde women are able to claim with pride their female subjectivity.'
Source: CAOD.
This paper studies the conspiracy of colonial expansion and ecological deconstruction as represented in two Australian aboriginal novels,That Deadman Dance and Carpentaria.Both novels explore human-nonhuman relationships,investigating how environmental issues are interrelated with Indigenous cultural attachment to the land and how European epistemologies clash with Indigenous philosophies of land and nature to the effect of fracturing the local ecosystem drastically.
' 随着澳大利亚民族和解运动的蓬勃兴起,和解小说于21世纪初悄然出现。它们大多基于真实历史事件,旨在修正殖民历史、呼吁种族和解、重塑民族新形象。但是围绕这一类小说的文学批评显示,和解小说因其话题、作者、立场和读者群各有不同,反映了复杂矛盾的民族心理以及激烈的话语纷争。以《神秘的河流》和《卡彭塔尼亚湾》两部小说为例,本文重点分析和解小说引发的热点问题,解读小说批评背后的政治话语和权力意识,同时揭示新时期澳大利亚文学研究的新动向'
Source: CAOD.