'本文以澳大利亚小说《河边云雀叫得欢》中的女主角为例, 分析了父权制社会对 女性塑造自我的消极作用, 提出了判断女性能否成功塑造自我的几个标准 :是否有自信心, 是 否感到受压抑, 是否能摆脱夫权在经济上对女性的控制, 是否能摆脱男性本位文化的影响 。指 出如果女性无法摆脱父权制社会对其的影响, 她将不可能拥有一个完整的自我 。 关键词 女性 父权制社会 压抑 塑造自我
'Tirra Lirra by the River is a well -known feminist novel focusing on the miserable fate of traditional Australian women .Nora Roche, the main character of the novel, represents women' s marginalised and submissive roles in the patriarchal society .By analysing Nora' s failure to find her true identity, the author of this article puts forward several criteria for judging whether a woman has succeeded in achieving a complete self or not, and pinpoints that if a woman cannot get rid of the influence of the patriarchal society, she will never find her true identity.'
Source: CNKI.