y separately published work icon Axon : Creative Explorations periodical issue  
Alternative title: Living in the World : Creativity, Science, Environments
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... vol. 9 no. 2 December 2019 of Axon : Creative Explorations est. 2011 Axon : Creative Explorations
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Canberra is home to a surprising number of creative and research-oriented events, and two of them are reflected in this issue of Axon. The first is the product of the 2018 annual DESIGN Canberra festival, which centred on the generative contributions of the architect Enrico Taglietti and the built environment he helped create in this city. The second event addressed the natural environment, with particular reference to the marriage of science and poetry, and what affordances this provides for the building of knowledge and understanding. The product of the editors of the poetry journal Not Very Quiet working in collaboration with the Axon editors, it brought together sixteen women poets and nine women scientists / scholars to present a public reading in mid-2019.' (Editorial introduction)


* Contents derived from the 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Disappearing, Sue Joseph , single work prose
Place Management for Nonrepresentationalists : Using Landscape Theory to Rethink Creativity, Economy and Place, Eduardo de la Fuente , single work essay
'There is growing recognition in the social sciences that place and its qualities should be thought of as ‘an actor in cultural work’ (Luckman). However, getting mainstream academic thought, urban renewal consultants or cultural planners to take the qualities of place seriously has proven more difficult. This article outlines an emerging view within landscape theory that rather than seeing landscape as some inert or fixed object, sees it as a dynamic process or mode of ‘dwelling’ (Tim Ingold). Drawing on the case of the Blue Mountains region in NSW, the second part of the article attempts to flesh out what the nonrepresentational sensibility might mean for rethinking creativity, economy and place; and why such a perspective might be all the more important, in the case of landscapes where there is a history of relying on tourism and the ‘visual gaze’.' (Publication abstract)
Knowing and Unknowing Uluru : An Essay in Four Maps, Subhash Jaireth , single work essay

'‘Space and place’, notes Yi-fu Tuan, the Chinese-US geographer and philosopher, ‘are basic components of the lived world. What begins as an undifferentiated space becomes place as we get to know it better and endow it with value’ (Tuan 1977: 6). Uluru represents such a place, its placeness constructed by the living and knowledge practices of Anangu people and their ancestors, displaced and erased by European colonisers and settlers who imposed their ways of living and knowledge practices on the land. As a geologist I have been trained to look at Uluru from within European post-seventeenth century paradigm of modern science. However, in this essay I challenge what I have learnt as a geologist about Uluru by introducing Tjukurpa of Anangu into the story of my learning and un-learning. I tell the story with the help of four real and metaphoric maps: a geological map of the Rock; Rockholes near the Olgas by Bill Whiskey Tjapaltjari; Untitled (Uluru with shadows) by Long Tom Tjapanangka; and the installation Unfolding Memories by Rosario Lopez.' (Publication abstract)

Stonesi"so blue in the night", Kevin Brophy , single work poetry
Bastille Marketi"Though the rough bunch of carrots", Kevin Brophy , single work poetry
The Red Trucki"At low-enough-to-sit-on rubbled walls", Kevin Brophy , single work poetry
What You Want Me to Understand:i"that you’d never known what it was", Kevin Brophy , single work poetry
Space-Walker Looks Forwardi"The ultimate step outside", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry
Space Walker’s Abstractioni"Staring back to earth", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry
Space Walker at Playi"Free floating", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry
Space-Walker’s Escape and Encounteri"There’s no sex up here", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry
Space Walker Out of His Depthi"It can be moody up here", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry
Space Walker Considers Re-Entryi"It’s mental, up here, mental as anything:", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry
Legacy, Alison Thompson , sequence poetry
Extincti"These birds have only parchment wings now", Alison Thompson , single work poetry
Pesti"This morning it all seems very English in my garden", Alison Thompson , single work poetry
Palaeontologyi"This morning, your neighbour talks", Anne Caldwell , single work poetry
The Yass Fossilsi"i am holding time", Elanna Herbert , single work poetry
Sunturni"Midwinter. Black", Felicity Plunkett , single work poetry
Black Snakei"Last night, chance met", Kim Scott , single work poetry

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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