On Hiding Your Screwdrivers single work   column  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... 2019 On Hiding Your Screwdrivers
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'For years now, I have listened to first-hand accounts of the dangers of being overly connected: strangers, acquaintances and friends who either lament their troubled relationship with the internet and its various contributing technologies – email, social media, smartphones, connectedness in general – or who report great benefits to their complexion and psychological health after spending time offline. I believe all these feelings to be plausible and true, even as I am sceptical about the sometimes tacit, often explicit claim that social activities carried out online are inherently less authentic.' (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Overland no. 236 Spring 2019 18042548 2019 periodical issue

    'Since learning that we are to lose $80,000 a year in funding from 20211, we’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on contemporary literary culture and its public perception.

    'To put this figure in perspective, $80,000 is about three editions of the print magazine each year or three roles at the magazine (we only have four positions, or the equivalent of 2.2 full-time staff).

    'Anyone involved in the arts or literature is used to precarity: funding and support comes and goes and is often finite; no-one likes to give money to keep the lights on.' (Jacinda Woodhead : Introducing Overland 236, introduction)

Last amended 21 Oct 2019 10:57:35
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