Issue Details: First known date: 2019... 2019 Problem Bodies and Queer Legacies : Rethinking Approaches to Trans History in the Case of Harry Crawford, Sydney, 1920
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    y separately published work icon Lilith no. 25 November 2019 17381350 2019 periodical issue ‘GET OUT OF MY UTERUS’ and ‘Women’s rights are human rights’ are slogans you might expect to see in an exhibition on the Women’s Liberation Movement. Yet in 2019, a year that has seen the sustained activism of women worldwide for recognition of female health concerns, women’s safety and bodily autonomy in the eyes of the State, these slogans are more relevant than ever. Australian women watched as the American state of Alabama passed the most restrictive abortion ban in the United States, containing no exceptions for rape or incest. Closer to home, anti-abortion groups recently rallied against a bill proposing to decriminalise abortion in New South Wales. Violence against women remains a national crisis. For Australian women between 15 and 44 years of age, intimate partner violence is the leading cause of death, disability and illness. It is even worse for Indigenous women, who are thirty-seven times more likely to be hospitalised than non-Indigenous women. On average one woman per week is killed by an intimate partner. (Editorial introduction) 2019 pg. 50-62
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