Baba Red single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... 2019 Baba Red
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Voiceworks Goth! no. 115 July 2019 17170352 2019 newspaper issue 'For the first half of my teens, I wanted badly to be a goth or an emo, but I was too shy. I grew up in a small town in Arizona, and I was simply too timid to do anything that would make me stand out. Yes, I wrote weird sad poetry at the library before fencing class, and I drew Death Note fan art, and I wore plaid skirts over jeans on the weekends when no one from school would see me, but that was my limit. I remember once buying a grey shirt because I was worried that people would think I was a poser if I dressed in black.' (Mira Schlosberg Editorial introduction) 2019 pg. 8-11
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