Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 The Lowest Common Denominator : Loyalism and School Children in War-torn Australia 1914 - 1918
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Most Australian school children, whether public or private, primary or secondary, had been finely tuned for warfare long before the Great War of 1914–18 had actually begun. School papers and reading books, history, geography and civics lessons, the personal persuasiveness of teachers trained to accept unequivocally “the power for good in teaching patriotism” to captive and captivated young audiences, the “rhythmic harmony” of loyalist singing, marching and versifying, the Imperial pageantry of Empire Day and the militaristic inculcations of highly disciplinary cadet training schemes all combined, in the closed educational environment of the schools, to produce young Australians well primed for unquestioning obedience to the State and martial sacrifice to the Empire. Children at a Sydney primary school were ordered to chant, in 1907, “I give my mind to my country to think for it; I give my heart because I love it; I give my hands to my country to work for it”; — “[and] to fight for it”, all the boy pupils were then expected to intone. Such orchestrated love of country was subordinated, in tum, to love of Britain's Empire — “our peace-bearing, peerless, guardian Empire” as one educator described it - which was presented as not only the largest but the worthiest empire in world history. The “cement of Empire”, it was said, contained such essential ingredients as social conformity, duty and sacrifice, which non-Catholic private schools and state schools applied with a heavily-laden trowel to impressionable young minds both preceding and during World War One.' (Extract)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Queensland Review vol. 3 no. 2 Lynette Finch (editor), 1996 Z1094592 1996 'Young in a Warm Climate is a collection of essays about childhood in Queensland, a region of Australia which has historically been represented as having a significantly warmer, harsher, more challenging, yet simultaneously more fecund, climate than the more populous southern states. European understandings of the Australian climate plays vital role in most studies about the European experience of Australia. From the time of first white settlement, this country's environment, characterised as harsh, was seen to be providing challenges for Europeans in their efforts to work, live, give birth, and stay healthy in their new settlements. It is a perception which has endured until well into the twentieth century. As Richard White has detailed, during the second half of the nineteenth century earlier fears about "the possible physical degeneration of the English race in the bright Australian climate" gave way to a conviction that "[t]he sunnier climate and the outdoor life, which some thought debilitating, could also be used to help 'explain the vigorous frame, manliness of bearing, and stamp of independence of the average Australian''.' (Introduction) 1996 periodical issue pg. 100-115
Last amended 25 Sep 2020 12:34:33
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