Issue Details: First known date: 2019... vol. 6 no. 1 February 2019 of Plumwood Mountain : An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics est. 2014 Plumwood Mountain : An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics
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* Contents derived from the , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Reworki"Pull over here, watch some spinning nightly fights reach", Alison Whittaker , single work poetry
Novembre dans le Calendrier Révolutionnaire Françaisi"Care fortune in the midwife", Elena Gomez , single work poetry
Cuspi"sea brims sobriety bell and sorrow may partake much loathed destiny", Janet Jiahui Wu , single work poetry
The Phytoplanktoni"How vast our equine depths", Mindy Gill , single work poetry
Hanahakii"hospice of amaranthus", Shastra Deo , single work poetry
Suckling Pigsi"What is a tree", Aden Rolfe , single work poetry
Unspoken Skyi"It arrived unannounced, looked around", Alex Skovron , single work poetry
Entirely Different and Unexpected Things (Said Schoenberg)i"once we’ve walked down the hill", Ali Smith , single work poetry
Threadsi"Got a short-sleeved cardigan for free.", Anita Milva Milićević , single work poetry
Graptolitei"In Poverty Gully, there is a library of stone where Ordovician volumes of mauve, ochre", Annie Hunter , single work poetry
5.5.7 (33) (Fire Site on the Bibbulmun Track)i"The ground has changed beyond claim of classification –", Catherine Noske , single work poetry
Diamonds are Foreveri"none inured to it", Connor Weightman , single work poetry
Harmonicsi"To birth our first tongue", Earl Livings , single work poetry
Most Artificial Reefsi"are inadvertent: time after tide", EJ Shu , single work poetry
Open House : Palm Springs Modernism Weeki"It seems we always end up stuck", Helen Thurloe , single work poetry
The Lagani"thick black ooze moves", Ivy Ireland , single work poetry
Eco de la Historiai"bees weave", Jake Goetz , single work poetry
Salt Wind Salt Wari"As cumuli mass in platoons", Julie Maclean , single work poetry
Amphitheatre, Ewenton Parki"Green and mesh but cut sharp sheer grēne scearp", Kate Middleton , single work poetry
Equinoxi"At a certain hour today, I learned of allision.", Kathryn Hummel , single work poetry