Melbourne, 1980 extract   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... 2019 Melbourne, 1980
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Island no. 157 2019 16913502 2019 periodical issue

    'Issue 157 kicks off our 40th anniversary year. That’s a big milestone for a small, not-for-profit organisation. But rather than congratulating ourselves, we’d like to congratulate you. We couldn’t have got this far without you. Thank you for helping keep the Island journey alive.

    'In this issue, we celebrate Island’s vision - of speaking both from and to the local, the national and the global - by reflecting on journeys, on the relationship between home and away, on the distinctiveness of place, and on islands near and far. There are new worlds to discover in every poem, every story, every page. As you explore between the covers of this issue, we hope you can carve out a little space and time to see the world differently.' (Publication summary)

    pg. 22-25
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