'There's drool collecting in a pool on my pillow. I have headphones in my ears, my laptop open on the bed. From my prone position, a girl’s face appears rotated ninety degrees clockwise. ‘Ymlacio,’ she whispers down the left headphone and into my left ear. This means ‘relax’ in Welsh. Then she whispers, ‘Cysgu’— ‘sleep’ into my right. LauraLemurex ASMR will go on to brush the binaural microphone, cap and uncap a series of lidded items, tap her video game collection, and go to town on a squishy sphere whose function is ambiguous. I hunt for increasingly obscure videos that will cater to my increasingly niche interests: finger fluttering, ear cupping, fabric scratching, page flipping, unintelligible whispering. I do it in secret. I am an ear pervert.'