(Publication abstract)
(Publication abstract)
'Consciousness came with a hiccup - and the unplaceable certainty that something was wrong. Hubert blinked into his goose-down pillow with dread. What was happening? When did waking ever feel so fraught? He hiccupped twice more before finally detecting the problem: he was pissing. He rolled over and grabbed at his boxers, trying to stem the flow with a firm twinge, and kicked at the blankets in his rush to the bathroom. The top sheet was twined around an ankle and dragged after him. He heard his wife squeal as her body was stripped bare...' (Publication abstract)
(Publication abstract)
(Publication abstract)
'A few years ago, I was desperately trying to convince myself to quit smoking as I worked my way through a pack-a-day. During this phase I met a man named Aubrey de Grey. I had been attending some sort of ridiculous conference, hosted at a ridiculous hotel on Collins St in Melbourne. The well-known biologist was there to speak about his radical idea - that we could very soon delay, or even abolish, the process of getting older. De Grey envisions a world without old age as we know it. The Cambridge-educated de Grey is probably the most prominent - and notorious - figure in the field of gerontology, or the study of senescence.' (Publication abstract)
'For over a year, I have been trying to get a job. Mostly it's because I want to start earning money instead of wasting my life surfing the web and doing little else. Despite achieving post-graduate qualifications, little progress has been made. My interests are limited to history, anime, football and fetish fiction. I have no experience in manual labour, and tend to get overwhelmed if given multiple projects at once. My resume only boasts one week at a library from high school work experience.' (Publication abstract)
'The multitude of voices and narratives within Voiceworks is one of its main strengths.'
'The multitude of voices and narratives within Voiceworks is one of its main strengths.'