Wangilatha Wangu nga Kiyawatha (Singing Songs and Telling Stories) is based on a book of songs and stories written and illustrated by Brendan Kennedy in Tati Tati, Mutti Mutti, Latji Latji and Wadi Wadi languages of North Western Victoria around Robinvale, 2014.
To all the children, to all my ancestors,
and all the people of the Mutti Mutti, Wadi Wadi,
Latji Latji, and Tati Tati languages and our country.
These songs and stories are of our land, water, animals and people.
Contents: Baingu murunhi bambada dirawi (Girls fear of ants); Pathan galu wiringil yakatha kathinatha (Pelican catches golden perch); Dinawi purtowen (Cockatoo sunset); Kulpi murrembin (Water rats); Parrim parrim yunwip (Great grandmother and great grandfather in canoe); Wara mirmbul gagada (Making a fish trap); Bilgiri gadini (Flood waters); Karrawi Mirndai Puyindhata Tirrili Turti (Big snake in the night sky stars).