Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 'But with a General Groan' : Public and Private Voices in Jordie Albiston and Melinda Smith's Poetry
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'It is no easy task to construct a voice, or voices, that speak to contemporary Australian readers, given the micro-politics of the Australian millennial poetry scene. Since the inception of the Poetry Wars in 1968, many poetic subsets are encamped somewhere between the flags of more traditional lyrical poetry, and the avant-garde descendants of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets. Keri Glastonbury describes these demarcations, bundled together to face the cultural, economic and digital pressures that seem always to be threatening poetry's existence, as "a UNESCO city of literature" (223). This analogy aptly conveys the range of voices, tones and registers that would be required to speak to Australian poetry audiences as a whole.'   (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Feeding the Ghost : 1 : Criticism on Contemporary Australian Poetry Andy Kissane (editor), David Musgrave (editor), Carolyn Rickett (editor), Waratah : Puncher and Wattmann , 2018 15390956 2018 anthology criticism

    'This book is aimed at providing criticism on contemporary Australian poetry in a form that is accessible to general readers. It is intended to be the first in a series which will grapple with the bewildering diversity of the contemporary poetry scene. Australian poetry deserves a criticism that accompanies the astonishing momentum and luminosity that has developed, which both elucidates the scale of poetic achievement and is also not afraid to evaluate that achievement through a rigorous and disinterested critical lens. Australian poets have been feeding the ghost with extraordinary energy and acumen over the last quarter of a century; it is now time for Australian poetry criticism to catch up.' (Introduction)

    Waratah : Puncher and Wattmann , 2018
    pg. 311-336
Last amended 27 Mar 2019 09:57:47
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