Charmaine Ledden-Lewis Charmaine Ledden-Lewis i(15916614 works by)
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Bundjalung
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1 y separately published work icon Bush Survival Skills Munya Andrews , Charmaine Ledden-Lewis (illustrator), Richmond : Hardie Grant Children's Publishing , 2024 28746388 2024 single work picture book children's

'Ask Aunty: Bush Survival Skills is a delightful and educational picture book for children aged 5 to 10 years that introduces bush survival knowledge passed down by Bardi Elders through generations. 

'Do you know how to survive in the bush? Aboriginal People have lived in the bush for a long, long time. They love and look after Country like it's family, and in return, Country looks after the people.

'In this book, Aunty Munya explains the three things you need to survive in the bush: water, food and shelter. Learn how to find water from waterholes or native wells, and protect them from contamination. Discover which plants are safe to eat and which are not, and which can be used as medicine or glue! Find out how to build a shelter that protects you from the sun, rain and wind. Aunty Munya also tells you how you can find your way without a map and teaches the many uses of fire.

'With stunning illustrations by Charmaine Ledden-Lewis, Ask Aunty: Bush Survival Skills encourages all readers to develop a deeper connection with the land, waters and sky.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon The First Sunrise Vanessa Stevens , Charmaine Ledden-Lewis (illustrator), Broome : Magabala Books , 2024 27469172 2024 single work picture book children's Indigenous story

'Kangaroo and Emu make the first boomerang and see the first sunrise.

'Now there are days and nights … And people can find their way across Country.

'The First Sunrise is a Mbabaram creation story from Mbabaram Country in Far North Queensland and is an engaging and beautiful book for curious minds.

'The story centres around the Creator Spirit, Mulungh, directing Emu and Kangaroo how to make the first returning boomerang, which, when thrown, causes the sun to arc across the sky, forming the creation of day and night. The arrival of the first sunrise teaches Emu and Kangaroo how to read shadows, follow directions and understand the orbit of the earth around the sun, making this book perfect for use in the classroom.

'This story was told to Nessa by her father, Colin Alec Stevens (Alick Chalk), who lived traditionally in the Aboriginal Camps of Irvinebank, Bakerville and Watsonville in North Queensland, from 1901 to 1916. His learnings and stories, remain important to Mbabaram culture, language and identity.

'The First Sunrise is the inaugural title in the new Magabala series First Peoples • First Sciences ― children’s picture books that pair fun science with First Nations knowledge.' (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon Ask Aunty : Seasons Munya Andrews , Charmaine Ledden-Lewis (illustrator), Prahran : Hardie Grant Books , 2023 26498090 2023 single work picture book children's

'Explore the seasons on Bardi Country with Aunty Munya in this new children's series.

'Ask Aunty: Seasons is a delightful and educational picture book for children aged 5 to 10 years that introduces First Nations seasonal calendars.

'Have you ever been excited for the first day of summer, only to be disappointed when it arrives cold and rainy? For First Nations People, the seasons don’t change when the calendar does. Instead, we can look for changes in plants, animals, water, weather, fire and the stars.

'Aunty Munya explains how there are six seasons on her Country. Mankal is the rainy season, bringing strong winds from the ocean, while Barrgan is the season when bush fruits are most plentiful.

'With stunning illustrations by Charmaine Ledden-Lewis, Ask Aunty: Seasons encourages all readers to develop a greater awareness of the land, waters and sky, showing how they can help us in our everyday lives.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Charlie's Swim Edie Wright , Charmaine Ledden-Lewis (illustrator), Broome : Magabala Books , 2022 23948387 2022 single work picture book children's historical fiction

'During WWII after the Japanese invasion of Java, more than 1000 refugees from the Dutch East Indies, many in flying boats, passed through Broome, which was a major refuelling point and a significant Allied military base. On 3 March 1942 Broome was attacked by Japanese fighter planes, killing at least 88 civilians and Allied military personnel.

'Charlie’s Swim is based on the true story of the author’s Uncle Charlie (Charles D’Antoine) who was working inside a flying boat when the attack began. In the midst of flying bullets, blazing fires and sharks, Charlie saw a woman and child desperately trying to keep afloat and without hesitation went to their rescue.

'In 1944, Charlie was awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Royal Humane Society of Australasia in recognition of his efforts and he was awarded four medals for bravery from the Dutch government. It took a further 80 years for the Australian government and military to formally recognise this bravery.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Born to Run Cathy Freeman , Charmaine Ledden-Lewis (illustrator), Melbourne : Puffin , 2021 22129955 2021 single work picture book autobiography children's

'A gorgeous picture book that will inspire girls and boys everywhere to chase their dreams.

'As a little girl, Cathy Freeman had only had one dream - to win a gold medal at the Olympics. At twenty-seven years old, that dream came true. At the Sydney 2000 Games, she crossed the finish line, won a gold medal for Australia and became a national hero. How did she go from being a little girl who loved to run to an inspiration to people around the world?

'Accompanied by beautiful illustrations by Charmaine Ledden-Lewis, Cathy tells her story about where self belief, hard work and the power of a loving family can take you.' (Publication summary)

2 1 y separately published work icon Found Bruce Pascoe , Charmaine Ledden-Lewis (illustrator), Broome : Magabala Books , 2020 19693203 2020 single work picture book children's

'This gentle story set in the rugged Australian bush is about a small calf who becomes separated from his family. The little calf is alone and simply wants his mother, sisters and brothers. He can see other animals, and after running to the river, manages to ask some horses if they are his family. The calf's family have been taken away in the back of a noisy truck. So begins the little calf's journey to find his family.

'In Found we share the calf's point of view in an evocative story, accompanied by stunning illustrations.' (Publication summary)