'Dark plans are afoot for the peaceful and prosperous land of Avenal. Eleven-year-old Maia, daughter of the Lord, must put aside her dreams of competing in the annual tournament and stand up for her realm. Accompanied by her faithful pony and a rag-tag boy named Raven, Maia must undertake a journey far from home and the ones she loves. Along the way she discovered within her the power to change the world. Eleven-year-old Maia is a better rider than her older brother, and a better shot, but her father, the Lord of Avenal, refuses to let her compete in the annual tournament and prove she is as brave a warrior as him. Angry at her father’s decision, Maia rides her pony deep into the valley where she stumbles across a rag-tag boy called Raven. Little does she realise, this strange boy’s friendship will change her life forever. Dark plans are afoot for the peaceful prosperous land of Avenal and Maia is forced to undertake a journey far from home and the ones she loves. With only her pony and the annoying Raven to help her, Maia must find a way to save Avenal. And, along the way, discover within her the power to change the world.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.