y separately published work icon Sūdō Journal periodical  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 Sūdō Journal
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y separately published work icon Sūdō Journal no. 5 December 2024 29397759 2024 periodical issue 'Over its short lifetime, Sūdō Journal has been in many ways the little-journal- that-could. It has persevered through floods, pandemics, and PhD submissions, maintaining fierce independence and publishing pieces from around the globe that speak to a broad range of issues, but always casting an eye upon the world from the unique perspective of northern Queensland.'  (Tenille McDermott and Bethany Keats : Editors' Introduction)
y separately published work icon Sūdō Journal no. 4 August 2022 25078564 2022 periodical issue 'For the fourth time, we find ourselves at the beginning of another volume of Sudo Journal. There was never plan for anything after volume three -  from here we all find ourselves in strange new territory.' (Wayne Bradshaw Editor's Introduction)
y separately published work icon Sūdō Journal Burning Bridges no. 3 June 2021 22110219 2021 periodical issue
y separately published work icon Sūdō Journal Hot Under the Collar vol. 2 January 2020 18654860 2020 periodical issue 'In March 2019, when the call for submissions for this second volume of Sūdō Journal was released, north Queensland had just begun to recover from a deluge of catastrophic proportions. A nation wept as footage of inundated homes, decimated livelihoods and mass graves of drowned livestock were broadcast into its living rooms. Now, as this second volume of the journal reaches publication, it feels as though every other part of the country is caught in a firestorm. Our northern gaze surveys the conflagration with a mixture of pity, horror, and a desire to repay the kindnesses that we experienced less than a year ago. We hope our readers to the south are safe; know that you are in our hearts. How we, as a nation, respond to this disaster will be a test of our character. The hope is that we will come together to face adversity, rather than allowing it to drive us apart as it so often does. We need firebreaks far more than we need the trenches of ideological partisanship.' (Wayne Bradshaw, Introduction)
y separately published work icon Sūdō Journal Blood, Sweat and Tears vol. 1 January 2019 15433588 2019 periodical issue