Nadira Brioua (International) assertion Nadira Brioua i(15401778 works by)
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1 Randa Abdel-Fattah in Conversation Nadira Brioua (interviewer), Mohammad A. Quayum (interviewer), 2018 single work interview
— Appears in: Asiatic , December vol. 12 no. 2 2018; (p. 137-161)

Randa Abdel-Fattah (1979-) is a writer and human rights activist with 11 novels to her credit, published in over 15 countries. Her first novel, Does My Head Look Big in This?, a best seller which took her 6 years to complete, came out in 2005 when she was only 26 years old. Since then she has emerged as one of the most important Muslim voices in Australia. An ambassador of her religion and culture, she constantly tries, through her fiction,to project the values and lifestyle of her people,to her Australian audience and to the West in general. Her singular objective for doing this is to break the media-driven stereotypes about Islam and Muslims and to create a better understanding between Muslims and the West. Abdel-Fattah ardently believes in inter-faith dialogue and has been a member of various inter-faith networks.  (Introduction)