Beci Orpin Beci Orpin i(15377533 works by)
Gender: Female
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Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Moving Your Body Sydney : Lothian , 2019 24777867 2019 single work picture book children's

'Flying with your arms...

'Sneezing with your nose...

'There are so many interesting ways to move your body!

'Learn about the different movements we can do in this vibrantly illustrated board book, with simple and fun text, from one of Australia's leading designer-illustrators, Beci Orpin.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2022 shortlisted Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards Birth to 3 Years
y separately published work icon Watch This! : A Book about Making Shapes Brunswick : Scribble , 2018 15377558 2018 single work picture book children's

'Can you make a circle with your arms? 
Or a triangle with your fingers? 
If we work together, we can make a rectangle, or even a pyramid.
We can make lots and lots of shapes – just watch this!

'A bold and playful celebration of movement, energy, pattern, colour and shape.' (Publication summary)

2019 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Notable Book Eve Pownall Award
Last amended 19 Dec 2018 14:43:15
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