'Jeff Michel is a movie buff who, by his own admission, has for years packaged-up and paralleled his life in an idealised cinematic world. Loosely autobiographical, "Pedaling Back" sifts through memories of his teenage years, when his passion for the movies clouded his ability to cope in the real world of adolescence. The most reliable constant in Jeff's childhood was his friend Elle, who kept him grounded. Jeff first noticed Elle because she rode a rusty, decrepit bicycle. Their friendship grew when he repaired the light on her bike. They would cycle together to the movie-theatre. But then - and this is a true story - Elle was murdered. Her abandoned bicycle was found on the roadside ... and her body eventually located in bushes nearby. Jeff explores - with humour and theatricality - the puzzlement of a young person facing the trials of adolescence and the realities of mortality.'
Source: Blue Cow Theatre.