'During a performance of Shakespeare’s King Lear, a renowned elderly actor forgets his lines. This is the beginning of his journey into the long twilight that is Alzheimer’s. As his memory fades, occurrences that would once have been shocking – such as finding a sock in his soup – are no longer questioned. His reduced living space is modified with numerous contraptions to meet his needs: pop up kitchen, shower, sports field and library. Although valiantly fighting, he succumbs to his fate and as thought slips away, feelings grow stronger and his inner child is revived.
'Performed by acclaimed Tasmanian artist Justus Neumann, this poignant work is punctuated by moments of genuine light-heartedness and humour that will take the audience on a rewarding and insightful emotional journey.'
Source: Ten Days on the Island program.
Produced by Tasmania Performs and presented at Theatre Royal Backstage, Hobart (5-14 February 2015), then across Tasmania as part of Ten Days on the Island, 2015: Bruny Island (21 March), Huonville (22 March), Kempton (24 March), Deloraine (25 March), Devonport (26 March), Swansea (28 March).
Supported by community partner Alzheimer's Tasmania and produced with support from Arts Tasmania and Wien Kultur.
Original Music: Julius Schwing.
Designer: Greg Methe.