'In the middle of nowhere lies a unique boarding institution for girls. Here, in this idyllic refuge, cut off from the outside world, a group of young girls studies ballet and biology. We watch as they’re groomed for an unknown future. Silent and tranquil, the safety of their surrounds is laced with threat. Each aspect of their lives – presented and viewed in lucid, cinematic detail – is book-ended by their unexplained arrival and departure.'
Source: Fraught Outfit.
'A city teeters on the edge of crisis. A god arrives in the guise of a mortal. Boundaries collapse; old, young, boy, girl, human, beast, mortal, divine, good, bad, light and dark. Co-created by Aaron Orzech and critically-acclaimed director Adena Jacobs, with a collaborating ensemble of young female actors and musicians, The Bacchae is an epic, and hallucinatory theatrical experience.
'A group of teenage girls pray to the god Dionysus, seeking salvation in the arms of excess. Around them a plague rages and their city burns, as all they've known turns to dust at their hands. The female cast from the acclaimed St Martins lend The Bacchae offers an unsettling vision of sacrifice and spiritual desolation.'
Source: Fraught Outfit.
'Two children create a documentary of a history they cannot remember.
'Inspired by the biblical BOOK OF EXODUS, Fraught Outfit’s latest production is a radical, poetic response to an ancient narrative of plagues and miracles, violence and division, punishment and liberation, the drowned and the saved.' (Production summary)
'A mass of children wait in the desert. With no leader to guide them, and no one to answer their cries, they summon an unruly force.BOOK OF EXODUS - PART II traces a community propelled from a violent past into an uncertain future.'
Source: Fraught Outfit.