J.S. Scholz J.S. Scholz i(15157236 works by) (a.k.a. John Scholz)
Gender: Male
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1 y separately published work icon Little Islands and Other Stories J.S. Scholz , Port Adelaide : Ginninderra Press , 2018 15287355 2018 selected work short story

'Beautifully crafted by a prize winning author, these wonderful stories resonate with humanity - its subtleties, omissions, follies and frailties. This is a powerful Australian voice, adept at creating a lattice of the unsaid. The characters have experiences we can connect to, drawing us to see beyond the surface. Acutely observed settings and juxtapositions reveal the complexity of life. A boy builds a model solar system while his world falls apart; a reviled outcast searches for a Christmas gift; a young constable confronts ugliness in a beautiful landscape. Thieves, farmers, prison guards, real estate agents, factory workers, surfers, storm drenched characters in a tinny - human hearts behind the mask and the uniform.J. S. Scholz’s writing has won many prestigious awards, and been published as far afield as Norway. Now, a unique selection of his stories is gathered here - small islands in a big sea.' (Publication summary)

1 Focus J.S. Scholz , 2013 single work short story
— Appears in: Knitting and Other Stories : Margaret River Short Story Competition 2013 2013; (p. 227-236)