Hayley Lawson-Smith Hayley Lawson-Smith i(14624457 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 The Tom Hayley Lawson-Smith , 2020 single work drama

'An Australian Gothic, Kafkaesque tale about a young woman’s investigation into Australia’s Phantom Cat.

'Sally’s busy life as a city-living student does not fulfil her. Her boyfriend James won’t please her. Her mother won’t help her. Maybe a road-trip to research the urban legend of Australia’s Phantom Cat will bring a little interest to Sally’s life. 

'In the bush of Gippsland, The Tom waits. This big cat has feasted on cattle, taken domestic pets and created excitement in the day-to-day lives of Gippsland’s residents. Were its ancestors panthers, abandoned by the circus? Or is it the reincarnation of a long-dead bush-ranger? 

'Sally tries to find the answers, and slowly loses herself.'

Source: La Mama Theatre.

1 y separately published work icon Absorption Hayley Lawson-Smith , 2019 South Brisbane : Playlab Theatre , 2024 29349773 2019 single work drama

'A group of women take part in an experiment to observe the independence of their children. But all is not as it seems…' (Production summary) 

1 Warriors Hayley Lawson-Smith , 2018 single work drama fantasy

'Not every hero gets a song or the cheers of the crowd—or even acknowledgement.

'In Zordana's land, a hero fights bravely in the open field, destroying monsters and dark magic. In Amy's world, her hero is the sister who takes care of her. For Maddie, her hero is her brother, who may tease her mercilessly but loves her dearly. As tragedy threatens to consume their separate worlds, only in coming together can they battle back the dark.

'An exploration into the minds of five very different young people, Warriors asks the question, 'what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of another?''

Source: Publisher's blurb.