'Radio drama serial set in a hospital and centered around the life of Dr Paul Lowe, his family and the citizens of Stanton, the town in which they live and where Dr Paul is in charge of the Miles Memorial Hospital.'
Source: 'Radio Series Collection Guide', National Film and Sound Archive, p. 65.
Ran for 4634 episodes.
Sponsored by Lever Brothers (Uni Lever)
Adapted from an American radio serial of the same name.
Source: 'Radio Series Collection Guide', National Film and Sound Archive, p. 65.
Producers: Reg Johnston, Therese Desmond, Hilda Scurr, Eden Rutter
Narrator: Ron Roberts
John Bushelle (as Dr. Paul)
Alastair Duncan (as Dr. Paul)
John Saul (as Dr. Paul)
Dinah Shearing (as Virginia Martin)
Lynne Murphy (as Virginia Martin)
Laurel Mather (as Elizabeth)
Michael Plant (as Ricky Scanlon)
Alan White (as Dr. John Cabot)
Margaret Christensen (as Virginia Martin)
Amber Mae Cecil (as Leota)
Brigit Lenihan (as Molly, Dr. Paul's Housekeeper)