'Welcome to ABR’s second film and television issue! Our first, in 2015, examined the brooding era of television drama. In our second we turn to film, celebrating the stellar movies of past decades with an exciting survey of readers, commentators, and industry professionals, while also looking at the immense changes in film today. In recent months, the #MeToo movement has deposed Hollywood moguls and sounded a powerful call for equality and the end of abuses in a male-dominated industry. Hollywood’s increasing and overdue recognition of filmmakers of colour, with awards glory and box office smashes, offers hope for a more inclusive film community. The medium is changing, as streaming blurs film with television and sparks new audiences and more diverse stories. At this pivotal moment in film history, ABR aims to start a spirited, timely conversation. From 1940s classics to today’s superhero movies, we discuss the silver screen’s achievements while examining its injustices and complexities. ABR plays a starring role in our cultural discourse. It is a privilege to guest edit the publication where I began my writing career and to reflect on film with colleagues in a great magazine of ideas. I hope the issue will inform, delight, and stimulate discussion but, most of all, share our enthusiasm for Australian and international film.' (James McNamara, editorial introduction)
2018 pg. 66