'The author, George F. Kerr, seems, at first, to ridicule the importance of the consequences on teenagers of "the broken home". However, the whole play is based on the results, in a young girl, of the separation of her parents, one an actor, the other a successful popular authoress. The drama of the play lies in the killing of the mother's lover by the girl, who finds it intolerable that her mother should violate the loyalty she, the daughter, has for her itinerant father. The pathos of the affair rests in the loss of the daughter's emotional stability in front of adults who are to a degree blasé and quite self-sufficient. Some reactionaries may see here the results of female emancipation, others, no doubt, will call to book the temperament of professional artists, whilst the detrimental capacities of a vagabond will be made to bear all responsibilities by still other viewers.'
Source: 'At Sydney Theatres', Le Courrier Australien, 23 September 1960, p.5.
Produced at the Independent Theatre, North Sydney, September 1960.