River Home single work   poetry   "I built a house on a bridge over the Mitchell River. I liked the sound of rushing"
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 River Home
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Poetry Journal Skin vol. 7 no. 1 2017 13959856 2017 periodical issue poetry

    'Welcome to Australian Poetry Journal 7.1, part of the new suite of poetry publications by Australian Poetry. This year’s Australian Poetry Anthology (guest eds., Lisa Gorton and Toby Fitch), published in March, was the first in this series. The designer is Stuart Geddes, with the vision of a physical elegance and beauty to reflect the calibre of the modern, contemporary, various poetry contained within: photographic art features on covers. Another trope is the commissioning of poetry guest editors for each volume of APJ. This allows the Journal to flex issue to issue, and to curate a broad while meritorious range of poetic voice. The poetry selections for 7.1, themed to ‘skin’, have been guest-edited collaboratively by Ali Cobby Eckermann and Ellen van Neerven, two of the country’s leading Aboriginal poets and editors. Their choice, selecting from the high level of open submissions by both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) poets, and poets who are not, was to divide their poems into two distinct sections: SKIN I POEMS, which opens the poetry here, are poems by poets who identify as ATSI; SKIN II POEMS are poems by non-ATSI poets, while still reflecting a cultural breadth. Some of the poems were commissioned by the editors from new Aboriginal poets located in workshops, some in far-flung territory. The Journal closes with another new feature for APJ: an extensive suite of poems, commissioned specifically by Australian Poetry, as presented across our annual major capital city literary festival partnerships. Both van Neerven and Eckermann, independently, were presented in this series, edited by the program director of our Australian Poets Festival 2016–2017, Toby Fitch. Thank-you to the essential support of our main funders: Australia Council for the Arts, Creative Victoria and Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.' (Publisher Note)

    pg. 55
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