Bob Ellis and Anne Brooksbank single work   correspondence  
Issue Details: First known date: 2016... 2016 Bob Ellis and Anne Brooksbank
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Signed, Sealed, Delivered : From Women of Letters Michaela McGuire (editor), Marieke Hardy (editor), Docklands : Viking , 2016 10475585 2016 anthology correspondence

    'The beautiful art of letter writing is still the best way to connect, to express a thought or a feeling. In this all-new anthology, Australia’s queens of correspondence Marieke Hardy and Michaela McGuire have engaged our finest, sharpest minds to pen missives of courage and humour and wisdom. Collected from the hugely popular live Women of Letters salons,Signed, Sealed, Delivered gives an entertaining and heartfelt insight into some of our brightest Australian stars.

    'All royalties for this book will go to Edgar's Mission animal rescue shelter.' (Publication summary)

    Docklands : Viking , 2016
    pg. 119-125
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