'In the wake of Invasion Day 2018, two works – Warwick Thornton’s Sweet Country and Richard Lewer’s exhibition The History of Australia – highlight Australia’s desperate and increasing need to confront its foundations. Here are two art projects that swipe and paw at Australia’s historical consciousness and demand that we do better.' (Introduction)
'It’s early, just after six, and I’m crouching in the field between rows of cherry tomatoes, the plants’ wayward branches brushing against my arms and staining them yellowy green. On the mornings of hot farm days I dress in the dark and load dusty black crates into the boot of my car, then drive through hills and vineyards gilded by the rising sun.' (Introduction)
'A few years ago I was discussing the Vogel Award with former Island editor Matthew Lamb; he was describing the relief he remembered feeling at inching past the age of thirty-five and no longer being eligible to enter. I’m sure Lamb won’t mind me observing his contrary approach to many things life and literary and, to me at the time, it seemed sensible to put his arguments down to that.' (Introduction)