Ernest Charles Vockler started his career working under his birth name - billed variously as Ern, Ernie or Ernest), and found initial fame as Australia's first professional Charlie Chaplin impersonator. He began using his middle name while working with his brother-in-law Ern Delavale (the Delavale Brothers) and retained both it and the Delavale surname when he began his partnership with Elvie Stagpoole in 1920. While working with Paul Stanhope that same year he developed a Hebrew stage persona called "Ike." From late-1923 'Ike' gradually morphed into 'Ike Cohen,' a character originated by Bert Le Blanc in 1915. Delavale worked his interpretation of 'Ike' into new sketches and revusicals, as well as in revivals of some of Le Blanc's shows. From 1923 onwards Delavale was almost always referred to professionally as Ike Delavale.