Norleen Brinkworth Norleen Brinkworth i(13528368 works by)
Born: Established: 1947 Yarrabah Mission (1893-1960), Ingham - Cairns area, Queensland, ;
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal
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'Norleen Brinkworth was born in 1947 in Yarrabah mission, Queensland, where her grandparents were placed as young children at the beginning of the twentieth century. She later went to school in Cairns, where her parents moved with their six children. Opting to do factory work to help supplement her family's finances, Norleen let her secondary schooling lapse but returned later, as a mature student and mother with two children, and obtained a tertiary degree. She worked in the judicial system until retirement seventeen years later.' (Source : Growing up Aboriginal in Australia)

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Last amended 5 Apr 2018 08:08:47
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