Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 Sylvia Martin. Ink in Her Veins : The Troubled Life of Aileen Palmer
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'This book’s title invites readers to respond to the life of the elder daughter of Vance and Nettie Palmer as one of sadness and struggle. Indeed, emotional deprivation and unrealised creativity are recurring themes. Yet a further dimension, that of heroism, emerges as the narrative reveals Aileen Palmer to have been a woman of exceptional courage, strength and intellectual gifts. Born on 6 April 1915, she joined the Communist Party of Australia at seventeen and for two yearsin her early twenties fought as an interpreter and hospital organiser for the British Medical Unit and the International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War. She later declared: ‘Spain stands out in my own life like a beacon-light’ (qtd. Martin 279). From 1940 to 1943 she continued the fight against fascism by serving as an ambulance driver in the London Blitz. A widely recognised outcome of World War II was a temporary loosening of gender restrictions in Western countries. Even so, Aileen succeeded in living out adventures and friendships—and in dealing with frightful realities—that were denied to most Australian girls and women of her generation. Despite the miseries and tumults that afflicted her after her return to Australia in September 1945, Aileen Palmer’s life should inspire as much celebration as regret.' (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon JASAL General Issue vol. 17 no. 2 2018 13378541 2018 periodical issue

    'This general issue of JASAL brings together a diverse collection of essays on a range of writers, texts and concerns in the field. The critical and conceptual rubrics informing the essays are similarly diverse, however there are also to be found productive points of interconnection and resonance, of shared interest and engagement. These shared concerns might be grouped loosely under the two broad terms from the issue title: networks and genealogies. The essays variously examine texts, writers and literary practices within the material, economic, and industrial as well as the representational and discursive networks of literary practice instated and supported by changing historical formations such as settler colonialism, nationalism, and the mobilities of cosmopolitanism. At the same time, they share a concern with practices of literary and intellectual recollection and acknowledgment, for instance in the processes of canon formation and its concomitants of obscurity and literary neglect.' (Brigitta Olubas Antonio Jose Simoes Da Silva : Introduction)

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