Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 Ze Icy Hend of Dess : Portrait of a Consummate and Short-lived Conductor
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Book Review ABR no. 399 March 2018 12994675 2018 periodical issue

    'As our fortieth birthday celebrations get underway, we have much pleasure in naming Beejay Silcox as the recipient of the ABR Fortieth Birthday Fellowship worth $10,000. Beejay, who first wrote for us in 2016, has quickly become a regular in our pages, and elsewhere. Her short story ‘Slut Trouble’ was commended in the 2016 Jolley Prize. She has lived in more than a dozen cities across three continents and recently completed her MFA in the United States.'  (Editorial introduction)

    pg. 68-69
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