'Between 1968 and 1969, ensconced in London’s legendary bohemian flophouse The Pheasantry, Germaine Greer wrote a book that would change thousands of women’s lives. Scrawled in pen across her statement of intent, under the title The Female Eunuch Editorial, is the sentence:
My book on women, for which I have not yet devised a title, will be a collection of essays about what it is like to be a woman in 1969.
'Though it’s unlikely she knew it at the time, the publication of The Female Eunuch would give birth to a shadow work that would document the inner lives and experiences of women and men from across generations.' (Introduction)
Essays On Air: Reading Germaine Greer’s mail
Published in 2 February 2018 of The Conversation, read by Lucinda Berman.
First published 24 March, 2017, revised 16 August, 2017.