'Squinters is a 6 x half hour narrative comedy series that celebrates the mundane ritual that is the work commute. The show follows a group of unrelated workers stuck in their cars each morning and afternoon as they crawl along the M4 with the sun in their eyes.' (Production summary)
'In the not-too-distant future, when people are commuting in cars that drive themselves, or delivering the kids to sporting events with Amazon drones, or perhaps even being shot at more than 1000km/h through the vacuum of Elon Musk’s Hyperloops, we may look back at the current glut of car-based TV comedies as cultural farewells to a prominent feature of our modern lives.' (Introduction)
'ABC TV delivers a healthy dose of laughs alongside frivolous word salads in this patchy and meandering gabfest.'
'Back on home soil, the Australian polymath discusses politics, musicals and #MeToo – and the worst year of his professional life.'
'In the not-too-distant future, when people are commuting in cars that drive themselves, or delivering the kids to sporting events with Amazon drones, or perhaps even being shot at more than 1000km/h through the vacuum of Elon Musk’s Hyperloops, we may look back at the current glut of car-based TV comedies as cultural farewells to a prominent feature of our modern lives.' (Introduction)
'Back on home soil, the Australian polymath discusses politics, musicals and #MeToo – and the worst year of his professional life.'
'ABC TV delivers a healthy dose of laughs alongside frivolous word salads in this patchy and meandering gabfest.'