y separately published work icon Inside Story periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... August 2015 of Inside Story est. 2008 Inside Story
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* Contents derived from the , 2015 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Innocent Abroad, Susan Lever , single work review
— Review of A Guide to Berlin Gail Jones , 2015 single work novel ;

'Vladimir Nabokov is known most widely for his scandalous and disconcerting satire of American mores, Lolita. For his admirers, though, he is a writer who takes readers unresistingly into his imaginative world and suggests to them that life is so full of meaning that they, too, might write if only they could find the hidden patterns. His novels LolitaPale Fire and Ada are masterpieces, but it is his memoir, Speak, Memory, that is most likely to inspire readers to recall those vivid moments in their own lives when the world appeared to contain vast possibilities.' (Introduction)          

The Resolutely Unpredictable Rolf De Heer, Brian McFarlane , single work review
— Review of Dancing to His Song : The Singular Cinema of Rolf de Heer Jane Freebury , 2015 single work biography ;

'The best-ever account of an Australian director? Brian McFarlane reviews Jane Freebury’s survey of the director’s eclectic career'