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Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 2015 Introduction
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Female Factory Lisa L. Hannett , Angela Slatter , Yokine : Twelfth Planet Press , 2015 8141553 2015 selected work short story

    'In The Female Factory, procreation is big business. Children are a commodity few women can afford.

    'Hopeful mothers-to-be try everything. Fertility clinics. Pills. Wombs for hire. Babies are no longer made in bedrooms, but engineered in boardrooms. A quirk of genetics allows lucky surrogates to carry multiple eggs, to control when they are fertilised, and by whom—but corporations market and sell the offspring. The souls of lost embryos are never wasted; captured in software, they give electronics their voice. Spirits born into the wrong bodies can brave the charged waters of a hidden billabong, and change their fate. Industrious orphans learn to manipulate scientific advances, creating mothers of their own choosing.

    'From Australia’s near-future all the way back in time to its convict past, these stories spin and sever the ties between parents and children.' (Publication summary)

    Yokine : Twelfth Planet Press , 2015
    pg. vii-viii
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