' Biddy Wavehill, Violet Wadrill and Vincent Lingiari's account of work on the station is typical of Aboriginal accounts of the time. Most Gurindji people lived and worked at Jinparrak (old Wave Hill Station), along with Mudburra, Warlpiri, Bilinarra, Malngin and Ngarinyman people. This station was owned by the English lord, William Vestey, who was the largest land holder in Australia at the time, owning a number of cattle stations across the north of Australia. The conditions of the Aboriginal people working and living on the stations were appalling. Other Gurindji accounts from Gurindji people, and a report by Ronald Berndt and Catherine Berndt which was commissioned by the Vesteys to investigate the welfare of Aboriginal employees concur, describing the conditions as substandard. Two-hundred-and-fifty people, including ninety-two men, lived in a small area. Gurindji people received no wages for their work. ' (Introduction)