'I'll tell you a story about what happened at Number 7 Bore on the south side of Wave Hill Station. This is about my mother's mother (Lizzie Brian Nyalpngarri Nawurla) and her husband (Daylight Parunyja Janama). My grandfather was working there as a boundary rider. He used to look after the fences and fix the holes to make sure that the cattle couldn't get through. He would go all the way to Kilkil (Gordy Springs) and then come back. He would keep a check on the fences all the way downstream from Gordy Springs right up to Number 17. Yeah, the fences were my grandfather's additional job when he was looking after cattle at Number 7. Well, he would leave early in the morning and my grandmother used to look after me and my two brothers, Teddy Crow and Steven Long during the day.' (Introduction)