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18 2 y separately published work icon Where Is Bear? Jonathan Bentley , Jonathan Bentley (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Kje je medved? ) Maribor : Skrivnost , 2020 9296591 2014 single work picture book children's

'No one goes to bed without their faithful bear. But this irresistible story has a surprise in store!' (Publication summary)

3 1 y separately published work icon All of the Factors of Why I Love Tractors Davina Bell , Jenny Løvlie (illustrator), ( trans. Tamara Laganin with title Sto in ena reč, zakaj so mi traktorji všeč ) Maribor : Skrivnost , 2020 16851214 2019 single work picture book children's

'When Frankie McGee insists on borrowing yet another book about tractors, his mum crumbles. She begs him to read a book about something else – cars, planes, cranes, trains – anything! Frankie launches into all of the various, glorious factors that make up the love that he has for all tractors – but will he be able to bring his mum around?'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2 2 y separately published work icon Things I Don't Know Meredith Badger , ( trans. Andrea Potočnik with title Dekleta, fantje in češnjeva pita s čokolado ) Maribor : Skrivnost , 2019 Z1890154 2012 single work novel young adult

'Leni has so many questions about growing up. And it seems the biggest ones are about herself …

'Athletics star Leni is totally confused. She’s trained with her friend Adam for ages, so why is he suddenly acting strangely around her? And what’s she supposed to do about the kissing competition that her bestie’s organised? There’s no-one Leni’s even remotely into – and besides, she’d rather hang out with Jo, the new girl at school.

'Jo’s cool and fun and really seems to understand Leni. But as their friendship grows, Leni starts wondering if they might be more than friends. Maybe there is someone she’d like to kiss after all…'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2 2 y separately published work icon It's Not Me, It's You Thalia Kalkipsakis , ( trans. Andrea Potočnik with title Joj, kako mi je všeč! ) Maribor : Skrivnost , 2019 Z1890149 2012 single work novel young adult Erin doesn't know exactly when it happened, but it happened. Boys stopped being friends and started being boyfriends. Girls began wearing make-up to school. And her big sister started keeping secrets about her love-life. It seems like everyone is changing around Erin, and yet she's still the same. She's fine doing her own thing, but she never thought she'd be deliberately left out. How can Erin grow up and just be herself? -- Back cover.
3 y separately published work icon The Man with Small Hair Jane Jolly , Andrew Joyner (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Mož s kratkimi lasmi ) Maribor : Skrivnost , 2019 14736360 2018 single work picture book children's

'The man with small hair loves his small hair. He also loves his short pants, zing-a-ding boots and clickety-clackety beads. He cartwheels with joy and bursts into song when he wears them. But the man with small hair is the only person who wears his hair small, and no one else has colourful boots or musical beads either. He decides to hide the things that make him happy in order to blend in with the crowd. Until one day he looks in the mirror and doesn’t recognise the man staring back at him.
The Man with Small Hair is an uplifting story about self-confidence, bravery and dancing to the beat of your own drum.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2 y separately published work icon Cherries Carrie Gallasch , Sara Acton (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Češnje ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2019 14735516 2018 single work picture book children's

'The days are long and warm, the nights balmy, and the cherries in the orchard are growing juicy and plump. Time stretches endlessly ahead as we’re transported to an idyllic summer of swinging from trees, running with kites and gazing at stars. With wistful illustrations by award-winning Sara Acton, Cherries is a story about the freedom of childhood and the magic of that first bite of summer fruit.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

3 y separately published work icon Things My Pa Told Me Anthony Bertini , Jonathan Bentley (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Stvari, o katerih mi je govoril oče : od njega, do mene, do tebe ) Maribor : Skrivnost , 2019 14398469 2018 single work picture book children's

'A meditation on fatherhood, and a timeless story that will resonate with fathers across the generations.

'As a day unfolds in a quiet Italian village, a father encapsulates his hopes and dreams for his young child. Wise, moving and inspirational, What My Pa Told Me is the perfect story for fathers to share with their children.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

7 3 y separately published work icon Molly and Mae Danny Parker , Freya Blackwood (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Monika in Mija ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2018 9920178 2016 single work picture book children's

'Friendship is like a train journey.

'There are happy moments, boring moments and exciting moments.

'There is anger and loneliness, and there is forgiveness, and the thread of friendship runs through everything, like rail tracks through the countryside.' (Publication summary)

2 5 y separately published work icon Tree : A Little Story about Big Things Danny Parker , Matt Ottley (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Drevo : majhna zgodba o velikih stvareh ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2017 Z1893063 2012 single work picture book children's 'A sapling grows in the shelter of an older tree, where he is happy and safe. One day a violent storm destroys everything the sapling knows, and he suddenly finds himself unprotected and alone. But as the sapling grows, he gradually discovers that every end is a new beginning.' (From the publisher's website.)
9 7 y separately published work icon The Runaway Hug Nick Bland , Freya Blackwood (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Pobegli objem ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2017 Z1769423 2011 single work picture book children's Lucy shares the hug with everyone in her family. Along the way it becomes softer, sleepier, bigger, even peanut-buttery. But when the hug runs away, Lucy discovers that it is not so easy to get it back (Libraries Australia).
6 6 y separately published work icon Clancy and Millie and the Very Fine House Libby Gleeson , Freya Blackwood (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Klemen, Mija in nova hiša ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2017 Z1636597 2009 single work picture book children's 'Like the three little pigs who leave the safety of their family home and venture out into the world, Clancy has moved with his parents from his cosy little cottage nestled amongst trees on a sunny street to a mutli-level mansion in a canyon of concrete buildings. It's the best house...It's a very fine dwelling remarks his mother and father. Clancy seems less convinced...he investigates the pile of empty packing boxes outside his new backyard. At that moment, Millie, his new next door neighbour...climbs over the fence and asks Can I play too?' (taken from Nola Allen's 'Cover Book Review' in Magpies: Talking about Books for Children, Vol 24, No. 4, Sept, 2009).
7 4 y separately published work icon Perfect Danny Parker , Freya Blackwood (illustrator), ( trans. Tamara Laganin with title Popolno ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2016 8935504 2015 single work picture book children's

'Perfect captures the simplicity, spontaneity and freedom of an idyllic childhood, while Freya Blackwood's paintings of the three children roaming a rolling beach side idyll capture the light - and even the smell and feel - of a perfect summer day.' (Publication summary)

2 1 y separately published work icon Too Tight, Benito! Janeen Brian , Judith Rossell (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Prevelik si, Beni! ) Slovenia : Skrivnost , 2015 Z1554656 2008 single work picture book children's A little bear grows too big for his hole.
8 7 y separately published work icon Look, a Book! Libby Gleeson , Freya Blackwood (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Poglej, knjiga! ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2014 Z1819096 2011 single work picture book children's 'You never know where it might take you. When two ragamuffins stumble across a book in the dust their world begins to change. The familiar becomes fantastical, the mundane becomes magical, and a fractured community finds a focus. Set in a dreary, underprivileged, contemporary world, Look, A Book! is an exhilarating whirl through the magic of imagination that leaves the reader in an vertiginous trance.' (Trove)
4 8 y separately published work icon Water Witcher Jan Ormerod , Jan Ormerod (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Čudodelni Iskalec Vode ) Slovenia : Skrivnost , 2014 Z1317180 2006 single work picture book children's historical fiction

'Dougie and his sisters can't remember the last time it rained. The rainwater tanks are empty, and the river is a string of muddy pools where birds and animals come seeking water. One day, Dougie's dad tells him about his grandfather's gift for water witching. Dougie wishes he were a water witcher - then they would have a well.' (Publication summary)

9 9 y separately published work icon Kisses for Daddy Frances Watts , David Legge (illustrator), ( trans. Barbara Majcenovič Kline with title Poljubčki za očka ) Hoče : Skrivnost , 2013 Z1204052 2005 single work picture book children's

"When a grumbly Baby Bear refuses to give his father a goodnight kiss, their bedtime routine is transformed into a delightful game, as daddy imagines all the different sorts of kisses that other animal babies give their dads." (Source: Publisher's blurb)

2 6 y separately published work icon Perry Angel's Suitcase Glenda Millard , ( trans. Amanda Mlakar with title Perry ) Slovenia : Skrivnost , 2009 Z1508894 2008 single work children's fiction children's 'It has taken Perry Angel almost seven years to find the place where he belongs. Perry arrives at the Kingdom of Silk one day on the 10.30 express, carrying only a small and shabby suitcase embossed with five golden letters. What do those letters mean? And why won't Perry let go of his case? This is a gentle and moving story about finding your place in the world.' (Supplied by the publisher)
2 3 y separately published work icon Layla, Queen of Hearts Glenda Millard , ( trans. Amanda Mlakar with title Layla ) Slovenia : Skrivnost , 2009 Z1274394 2006 single work children's fiction children's

When Griffin and Layla's school announces a Senior Citizens' Day, Layla is at a loss. Who can she take? Griffin offers to share his grandmother, Nell, but Layla desperately wants someone of her own. So Nell introduces Layla to the delightful Miss Amelie and a small but significant miracle occurs. (Back cover.)

6 4 y separately published work icon The Naming of Tishkin Silk Glenda Millard , ( trans. Amanda Mlakar with title Tishkin ) Slovenia : Skrivnost , 2008 Z1064675 2003 single work children's fiction children's (taught in 1 units)

'Griffin Silk is an uncommon sort of boy, from an uncommon sort of family. The warm, loving home he shares with his father, grandmother and five big sisters (The Rainbow Girls) is marked by the aching absence of his mother and baby sister. Where have they gone and will they be coming home again?' (Source: Trove)