Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 Broadcasting the Woman Citizen : Dame Enid Lyons' Macquarie Network Talks
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Dame Enid Lyons was a prolific broadcaster in the 1930s and 1940s. Perceived by many as the ideal Australian woman, she was the wife of Prime Minister Joseph Lyons, and later the first woman elected to the House of Representatives and the first woman in federal Cabinet. In December 1939, eight months after the death of her husband, Lyons began a series of weekly broadcasts on Sunday evenings on the Macquarie Network. Her archives contain the scripts of these talks and many letters from devoted listeners. These broadcasts, and the audience response to them, demonstrate the importance of radio to Lyons' public life and her role as a major figure on the medium. More broadly, they provide a key example of how radio provided a new public space in which women could speak about a range of issues and claim a voice as citizens in mid-twentieth century Australia. Radio represented an intersection of public and private spheres, and this gave women a space to articulate and perform oppositional forms of citizenship. Broadcasting challenged the gendered hierarchy of the public sphere, and as such women's radio speech needs to be taken seriously as a crucial part of Australian women's history.'  (Publication abstract)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Lilith no. 23 2017 12016323 2017

    'Intersectionality is a relatively recent term for a deeply historic phenomenon. It refers to the way in which individuals and groups are caught in intersecting systems of oppression, such as class, race and gender. As Ange-Marie Hancock argues, intersectionality has been a ‘pathbreaking analytical framework for understanding questions of inequality and injustice’.1 It has become part of popular culture in recent years as the rise of populism and the growth of inequality in countries across the world have inspired new movements of solidarity between all those who think that black lives matter, or who reject a narrow view of immigration that sees Australia and New Zealand resorting to notions of labour productivity that are closely intertwined with race and gender. Who is understood as deserving in a nation, whether immigrant, refugee, poor, or of colour? Who decides this—and who protests these decisions? How this notion of ‘deserving’ is enacted upon—how this decision is made—is a site upon which individuals negotiate the intersections between huge systems that seek to define populations and individuals. Who gets to use which bathroom or wear which school uniform? Who can go through passport control with ease? The popular rise in engagement with intersectionality evident in these current political examples was anticipated and accompanied by the growth of scholarship on the phenomenon.'  (Editorial introduction)

    2017 periodical issue
    pg. 34-46
Last amended 13 Oct 2017 09:55:31
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