Beep single work   drama   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 Beep
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'A slightly sideways tale about unexpected friendship, finding where you fit and learning to mix it up a little.

'In Mort’s Village everything has its place, every day is the same and everyone likes it that way. Until one morning, crash, boom, bang… down comes Beep.

'What is this annoying interruption to Mort’s breakfast molly melon, who is this noisy robot girl, and how will she find her home?

'With Windmill’s trademark design, gentle storytelling, music and puppetry, Beep tells the story of what happens when someone new comes to town.' (Production summary)


form y separately published work icon Beep and Mort Charlotte Rose Hamlyn , Simon Butters , Amy Stewart , Hunter Page-Lochard , Wendy Hanna , Lorin Clarke , ( dir. Rosemary Myers ) Australia : Windmill Pictures Australian Broadcasting Corporation , 2022- 23247334 2022 series - publisher film/TV children's An adaptation of Windmill Theatre's puppetry production about Mort, whose well-ordered life is disrupted by the arrival of chaotic robot Beep.

Production Details

  • Presented by Windmill Theatre Co in association with the Adelaide Festival Centre  and performed at Space Theatre 24 August - 3 September 2017.

    Director, Co-Creator: Sam Haren.

    Designer, Co-Creator: Jonathon Oxlade.

    Writer, Co-Creator: Katherine Fyffe.

    Cast: Antoine Jelk, Ezra Juanta and Kialea-Nadine Williams.

    Technical Designer: Chris Petridis.

    Puppet Maker, Puppet Consultancy: Tamara Rewse.

    Composer, Sound Designer: Luke Smiles.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

A Curious Beep David Knight , 2017 single work column
— Appears in: The Adelaide Review , August no. 450 2017; (p. 24-25)

'Following the success of Windmill Theatre Co's two Grug productions is the local theatre company's latest work for young children, Beep. The show's three creators discuss how they formed this new production about a robot girl who is a stranger in a strange land.' 

A Curious Beep David Knight , 2017 single work column
— Appears in: The Adelaide Review , August no. 450 2017; (p. 24-25)

'Following the success of Windmill Theatre Co's two Grug productions is the local theatre company's latest work for young children, Beep. The show's three creators discuss how they formed this new production about a robot girl who is a stranger in a strange land.' 

Last amended 11 Oct 2021 09:23:57
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