'At the time of writing the new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Bill (ATSIC) had passed through the Senate and awaited final passage through the Lower House. Since the last edition of this journal it is now evident that when the proposed legislation becomes law the Institute will retain its own Act, and will be renamed the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). The new Institute will have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander majority on its Council which will consist of nine persons, as opposed to the twenty-two members who make up the Council at present. Five Councillors will be appointed by the Minister and will be Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders. Four will be elected by the membership, comprising all existing members, associate members and corresponding members. There will also be a Research Advisory Committee, of twelve members, including the Principal. Eight will be elected by the membership, and there will be three appointed members of Council. The Research Advisory Committee will make recommendations to Council in relation to applications for research grants and other research matters, as well as making recommendations in relation to membership applications. The functions of the Institute have been revised but it remains an independent statutory authority able to develop its work in continuity with the past.' (Editorial introduction)
1989 pg. 85-89